Job Planning System for Vehicle
& Machine Service Engineers

Streamline Your Field Operations with TritonWorks

TritonWorks is designed to meet the demands of businesses with field-based vehicle and machine service engineers, providing a powerful Job Planning System to quickly send, plan, and receive detailed job information with ease.

Job Logging

Never lose track of a job again. With TritonWorks, every job is meticulously logged, providing a complete and searchable history of work done, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Each job entry captures every detail from start to finish, allowing you to review past work easily and make informed decisions for future tasks.

Job Planning

Effortless job planning is at the heart of TritonWorks. The intuitive interface allows you to schedule and allocate jobs swiftly, significantly improving your team’s efficiency and response times. This not only helps in reducing downtime but also ensures that your resources are utilised properly for maximum performance. TritonWorks’ smart scheduling features allow you to prioritise urgent tasks, plan preventive maintenance, and manage emergency repairs quickly and easily.

Real Results With TritonWorks

“TritonWorks has helped us to streamline our engineering operation, leading to quicker response times and more jobs getting done. The system gives us precise information and photographs from each job allowing us to invoice accurately and instantly for all of our work.” 


– Iain Welsh, TS Plant Sales 

Digital Job
Sheets for Better

Say goodbye to paper-based systems. TritonWorks’ digital job sheets streamline your workflow, reducing the need for time-consuming phone calls and minimising miscommunication. Digital job sheets provide real-time updates and can be accessed by all team members from anywhere, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This feature drastically cuts down on errors and miscommunications that often arise from paper-based or verbal instructions.

Log all jobs - never lose track
Effortless planning, improved output
Digital job sheets save time
Capture accurate info & signatures
Complete more jobs
Instant Invoicing for quick and easy billing

Accurate Data Collection

Collect precise information, including photos and signatures, upon job completion. This ensures you have detailed records for every task, which are critical for accountability and customer satisfaction. Accurate data collection helps in building a reliable job history, which can be invaluable for audits, compliance, and improving service quality. Photos and digital signatures also provide visual proof of work done, which can be critical in resolving disputes and establishing customer trust.

Boost Productivity

By optimising your job planning and execution processes, TritonWorks helps you get more jobs done in less time, boosting your overall productivity. With features like automated job scheduling, reminders, and notifications, TritonWorks ensures that no job is missed, and every task is completed on time. This increased productivity translates to better customer service, higher revenue, and streamlined operations.

Instant Invoicing

With TritonWorks, invoicing becomes a breeze. Generate and send invoices immediately after job completion, ensuring prompt payment and improved cash flow. Instant invoicing eliminates delays in the billing process, helping you maintain a healthy cash flow and reducing the administrative burden on your team. The ability to attach job details, photos, and digital signatures to invoices adds a layer of transparency and professionalism to your billing process.

Experience the Full Potential

TritonWorks is more than just a job planning system; it’s a solution designed to improve every aspect of your field operations. From job logging and planning to data collection and invoicing, TritonWorks integrates all these functionalities into one easy-to-use platform. This integration not only simplifies your workflow but also allows your business to run smoothly and more efficiently.

Additionally, TritonWorks offers robust reporting tools that allow you to analyse performance metrics, track job statuses, and identify areas for improvement. These insights are useful for making data-driven decisions that can lead to further improvements and cost savings.

By choosing TritonWorks, you are investing in a solution that grows with your business. Our system is scalable and can be customised to meet the unique needs of your operation, whether you are a small business or a large enterprise.

Get started with TritonWorks today and see the difference it can make for your business!

Job Planning

Job Progress

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